Evie was signposted to me by a fellow divorce coach after it became clear that Evie’s situation was very complex. Evie had separated from her husband after a long marriage and this had come as a complete shock. The children were caught up in the middle of it and the impact on the children over the past few months has been immense. Safeguarding meetings, court hearings, financial proceedings and Covid lockdown measures thrown in to the mix all meant that this quickly became overwhelming for Evie. Communication with Evie’s ex was difficult and the situation had spiralled into a high conflict case, leaving Evie distraught.
Here is Evie’s story in her own words..
‘‘Before I met Caron I found my situation extremely overwhelming. I had noticed a sudden significant change in my husband’s behaviour after 24 years together and I did not recognise the person he had become. I had no idea what was going on, I had no understanding of coercive control or emotional abuse and I felt very out of control. I couldn’t understand or apply any logic to the situation, I kept getting triggered by my husband and I was reacting to him in the same way as I had during our marriage, which didn’t work. I took what he said as gospel and that destroyed me every time.
Caron helped me realise that it’s not my fault! I don’t have the problem. I now try to manage his behaviour so I am not as affected by it and I try to pre-empt his next steps. I understand what the “head worker‘’ does . I acknowledge the true me, I have gained some of my confidence back. I have boundaries and have learnt how to better manage my emotions around parental alienation.
It is a work in progress, but Caron has helped so much through an extremely challenging time – it still is challenging and I am still navigating through.
To anyone else in a similar situation, if you can, seek guidance from Caron, you won’t regret it.
Divorce, separation, domestic abuse and maternal alienation are unbelievably overwhelming – to have them all happening at the same time is devastating. Caron has a logical way of taking things in bite size chunks and a calm understanding approach that puts you at ease, she’s amazing.”
Through regular sessions we have worked on helping Evie recognise tactics of controlling behaviour, strategies to minimise the impact of her ex’s behaviour , communication with professionals and much more. It’s not over yet, but Evie is starting to see ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’ and it is definitely better than it was, for Evie and the children.