Gaslighting is a really powerful tactic of abuse and has been around forever, but it has only been discussed more openly in the past few years.
It is one of the most powerful brainwashing techniques that abusers use – it may be subtle but what it does is make you question yourself, whether you are as much to blame as the abuser, which in turn stops you from leaving or seeking help and it enables the abuser to maintain the power and the control in the relationship that is so important to them.
Read my advice and more here in this blog from
”No I never did that, you must be mistaken”
” You are so clever’‘ but then in the next breath they tell you ”you are so stupid there is no way you would understand our finances”
” your friends/family/boss knows you are always anxious and you have mental health issues, I try sooo hard to protect you but you just won’t let me” – when all the time the anxiety is caused by the abuser’s behaviour!
Unfortunately there is little that can be done to change the abuser’s behaviour – but what you CAN change is how much it affects you.
For help and advice on gaslighting and more please get in touch, go to The Group Hug or check out my social media for more hints and tips.