Caz came to see me after struggling to maintain boundaries with her husband who she had separated from a few months earlier. They saw each other regularly when he came to see the children and he had moved on to another relationship, but for Caz it was almost as if nothing had changed and Caz was struggling to see a way forwards.
Caz’s confidence had been eroded away after years of criticism and controlling behaviour. Caz’s husband controlled everything – he managed all the finances, was jealous and used gaslighting techniques to confuse and upset her, but Caz didn’t feel she could question or challenge this as he was looked after them all financially and was still present for the children.
Caz says:
”I still remember the first time we talked, it was on a Saturday, it was free and you gave me all the time I needed. You were my sunshine. It was really nice to talk with you, to listen to all your advice, and to feel that someone cared about me. I really liked the Freedom programme work we did together.”
Fast forward to October and Caz has almost completed her divorce and financial proceedings. Caz has a new job, which has given her a new lease of life and confidence – she is also volunteering, is dating again and generally loving life right now! Caz is taking back control of her own income and her life, making her own choices and enjoying the freedom that comes with it all.
Caz says to anyone else going through a similar situation:
“This too shall pass”….no matter how deep and dark things seem …set a goal, set a date when you want to feel better and go for it….every step has to take you to a better place, but to do that, you have to be brave, and you are! You will be as happy as you want to be! Make it happen.
The name has been changed but this story is real.