From the 1st November GP practices in England if you have an online account (such as through the NHS App) will be able to read new entries, including free text, in your health records. This applies to patients whose practices use the TPP and EMIS systems.

The aim is to allow patients free online access to their medical notes and test results as and when they wish. Initially this will be notes from 1st November 2022 but there are plans to make these historic during 2023.

This means that patients will be able to see notes and documents related to all face-to-face, telephone and video GP appointments occurring from the switch on date. They will also be able to see test results and letters from other health and care professionals that have been added to their health record.

In some cases, such as positive test results, patients will not be able to see the information until it has been checked and filed, giving GPs the chance to contact and speak to patients first.

For patients with long term chronic conditions, where the GP is satisfied that the patient has a good understanding of the condition and test results, the GP and patient can agree that test results are released immediately on receipt. This will allow the patient to participate in monitoring their condition(s) and reduce GP workload.

Why this is important for people experiencing abuse

It’s been noted that this new process raises a risk if you disclose abuse or sexual violence, drug, alcohol addiction and mental health to your GP and where any disclosure could now be seen by an abuser accessing your app via phone or PC.

Checking your mobile phone is a common tactic of abuse and now abusers can have access to your medical records, it could be yet another excuse they can use to be abusive.

What you can do to stay safe

You can speak confidentially with your GP practice and request that you opt out of using the App. Ask your GP if specific information can be redacted or completely omitted from the App or request to fully opt out of the App (in some situations it may be safer to continue using the App but ask for some information to be redacted).

Speak with your GP as soon as you can to get your access to medical information managed as safely as possible for you. Please don’t let this process stop you from reaching out to your GP if you need help – just ensure your records remain confidential.

Don’t give your phone password to anyone else if you can help it. It might not be your text messages they are checking..

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