She approached me for support in 2020 after her husband suddenly walked out of their 25
year marriage with no explanation. What followed was 4 years of Court proceedings,
financial abuse and coercive control, whilst her ex used the children as a weapon.

‘’Before I met Caron I found my situation extremely overwhelming. I had noticed a sudden significant change in my husband’s behaviour after 24 years together and I did not recognise the person he had become. I had no idea what was going on, I had no understanding of coercive control or emotional abuse and I felt very out of control. I couldn’t understand or apply any logic to the situation, I kept getting triggered by my husband and I was reacting to him in the same way as I had during our marriage, which didn’t work. I took what he said as gospel and that destroyed me every time.

Caron helped me realise that it’s not my fault! I don’t have the problem. I now try to manage his behaviour so I am not as affected by it and I try to pre-empt his next steps. I understand what the “head worker‘’ does . I acknowledge the true me, I have gained some of my confidence back. I have boundaries and have learnt how to better manage my emotions around parental alienation. It is a work in progress, but Caron has helped so much through an extremely challenging time – it still is challenging and I am still navigating through.

To anyone else in a similar situation, if you can, seek guidance from Caron, you won’t regret it. Divorce, separation, domestic abuse and maternal alienation are unbelievably overwhelming – to have them all happening at the same time is devastating. Caron has a logical way of taking things in bite size chunks and a calm understanding approach that puts you at ease, she’s amazing.’’
