Legal Advice:
Many solicitors will offer 20-30 mins. free legal advice on any family matters. If you go to this website: they have lots of easy to understand information and a free legal helpline.
Citizens Advice Bureau also have lawyer help and there are other organisations such as local Law Clinics, and you can access advice.
Domestic Abuse IDVA Services:
IDVA’s are Independent Domestic Violence Advocates. IDVA’s offer free, confidential, help and safety planning. IDVA’s work in conjunction with a range of professionals such as social care, housing officers, police, drugs/alcohol agencies and mental health services to provide the wrap-around support many survivors need during high-risk, crisis situations.
Just ‘Google’ domestic abuse support in your home town and the relevant service will come up or call: National DV Helpline : 0808 2000 247
For Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and South Buckinghamshire, the local domestic abuse service is
Social Media Support:
I regularly share tips on my Instagram page : on my Facebook page, so check them out: .
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