Helen came to me in 2022 whilst going through Family Court proceedings. Helen has
2 young children.

‘’I’m still not as strong as I need to be, but when I first came to you, I was scared of everything. I was totally under his control and still full of the effects of gaslighting. I didn’t trust anyone including my own mind. I cried constantly, I didn’t sleep or eat, I couldn’t work because it all became too much to deal with and I had lost my ability to fight.

The legal process scared me and I had so much to lose. You managed to keep me seeing the end result, some advice was not what I wanted to hear, but you guided me and helped me accept and deal with the difficulties.

You acted as a buffer for me from his communication and you unpicked his tactics. I’m not sure I would even still be alive if I didn’t have you supporting me.’’
