From 6th April 2023, people who are experiencing domestic abuse, rape or sexual assault will be allowed to request the support of an IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) or ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advocate) in Civil Court proceedings . The IDVA or ISVA can provide emotional support, information, practical support and help in dealing with authorities or other support services, and can help explain the court process and what to expect.

Why is this important?

This is a huge leap forwards in Civil Court – recognising that going to Court and giving evidence is stressful for everyone, but in particular for people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual abuse. Having a trusted professional, who understands the processes, who can explain everything and sit beside you as you give evidence can make all the difference to your Court experience.

Click here to read more

Who are IDVA’s or ISVA’s?

IDVA’s or ISVA’s are professionals and experts in supporting survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. It is a recognised professional qualification, usually obtained through a recognised body such as, Women’s Aid or Refuge Organisation.

To obtain a qualification as an IDVA/ISVA you have to have frontline experience working with high-risk victims of domestic abuse/sexual abuse. You are assessed throughout the process, gain experience working in partnership with Police Social Care, Statutory and voluntary agencies and are well-informed about victims’ legal Rights, Civil and Criminal proceedings, safeguarding proceedings and much more. Your safety and wellbeing is our priority.

IDVA’s know how best to help you if you are experiencing domestic/sexual abuse and they will be your voice should you feel unable to speak up to professionals. If you are worried about your immediate safety please contact your local domestic abuse organisation as they will be able to provide you with ongoing IDVA support – a range of practical help and emotional support to reduce your risk as quickly as possible and support you in the process.

To find your local domestic abuse organisation just Google it or call the National DV Helpline on 0808 2000 247

If you are a Solicitor, Divorce Consultant or Barrister and want to find out how I can support your clients, give me a call or send me an email!