Paula contacted me in 2023 when she was in the midst of Family Court proceedings. Paula
had separated from her husband who had been very coercive throughout the marriage.

‘’Realising you have been abused during a relationship is dreadful however nothing prepares you for the level of abuse you can experience after leaving an abuser, commonly known as post-separation abuse. For most of us also entails litigation abuse in the form of a “custody battle”. 

Education is critical and the sooner you can remove your pink lensed glasses the better to tackle the battle ahead strategically and consciously. 

Whilst I was in the thick of the Court case, I was also struggling with my emotions. I felt tormented by my memories and traumatised by the betrayal. Opening Court emails and documents triggered me into panic and despair. The level of cruelty, lies and retaliation was astonishing. 

Whilst I had great support from family and friends, they did not understand my feelings or concerns.  

I desperately needed someone to understand what I was going through; this is when I found Caron via Instagram. I purchased her book and after reading it I contacted her for support. 

Caron has done the walk and the talk so can divert looped thoughts into whys, making sense of my ruminations and feelings. Caron is available for one to one sessions as well as group and support via Facebook. 

I am proud to say I have come a long way and Caron’s support has been pivotal. Whilst I wish I never had to deal with the outburst of abuse, I can admit that has helped me to grow and improve my quality of life greatly. 

I am now able to set boundaries to assertively protect my energy and peace. I am happy with myself and the life I have created. The custody battle was settled, in part, because I fought back and did not let my abuser intimidate me. 

I have given up 50% of parenting time to my abuser, I had no choice, however I am able to radically accept the circumstances to make the most of it. 

This is not how I envisaged my life to be, however I have decided to focus on the positives and let this experience make me better not bitter.’’
