
Helen contacted me when feeling overwhelmed after years of litigation with her ex-husband. With a demanding job and 2 young children to support, it was a lot to deal with and she was exhausted. Helen was facing court hearings and constant emotional abuse and manipulation by her ex.

This is what Helen said about her experience of post-separation abuse and how her 1:1 sessions and support from myself has made a difference.

Helen’s words

”When we first started together I was scared all the time; I lived in a state of terror; panic attacks, suicidal thoughts. I’d been separated for 2 years and still the court process and his post separation abuse was crippling me.

You became my life line, you buffered all his communication, you took the sting out of it all, you helped me learn how to read and write back in a new style to help minimise his attacks. I didn’t even read some of his emails as you did and knew there was nothing in them.

You kept me going; you made me believe I had a future that it wasn’t my fault. Rebuilt my self esteem.

You gave me practical tips and taught me how to say things that would help me and the children live day to day, you taught me how to cope with his actions and how to move on. Slowly I saw light, I had days of no panic. You always had time for me always!

Most of all you listened, you understood, you believed me, you had heard it all before and you knew his next move. Nothing shocked you; you always believed me and knew I would get through it.

You will always be my Hero – you gave me a voice again, hope for the future. You are an angel to me and I’ll never forget what you did for me.

You re-educated my brain to help m see what the abuser thinks and does, knowing it’s not anything to do with me.”


Helen has worked with me intermittently for 2 years now. Her ex is still the same (yawn) but Helen is coping much better, life is getting better. I am so grateful to Helen for writing this testimonial. It’s never easy to reflect on the past but this shows you that no matter how hopeless things can seem, they can (and will) get better.